Cailin Birch

Cailin Birch

Global Economist

The Economist Intelligence Unit - EIU

United Kingdom

Cailin Birch is the Global Economist at The Economist Intelligence Unit. She is a frequent guest in national and international media, providing critical insight into global political and economic trends. She is also an experienced speaker and moderator at high-level events, who can deliver thoughtful insights and draw impactful conclusions from complex discussions. Cailin leads EIU’s economic and political forecasts for the United States, including in-depth analysis of the health of the US economy, market-moving political and election trends, and how the US and other developed economies affect emerging markets. She currently also serves as a principal economist for Latin America, looking at broad regional trends in monetary policy, currencies, cross-border investment and nearshoring. Cailin joined The EIU in 2015, and has previously served as a regional expert for the Middle East and Africa and for global commodities. She has a BA in international studies from Georgetown University and a Masters in international security from Sciences-Po Paris.

Speaker on

Global Economic Update

02/02/2024 | 09:00 - 10:00 | Grand Ballroom - Anantara Hotel Lobby Level